Change of company name from Inkasso Organisation AG to dieInkasso AG

Inkasso Organisation AG will be renamed as dieInkasso AG. The new name reflects in one word the clear and single focus on the core business of the company: debt collection in Switzerland and beyond its borders. All locations will remain in operation with the existing personnel and additional staff will be recruited.

dieInkasso AG with its headquarters in Zug and offices in Regensdorf and Emmenbrücke is one of the leading and most renowned debt collection services provider in Switzerland. Its 50 qualified debt collection experts handle more than 60’000 national and international cases per year with outstanding success rates. dieInkasso AG has more than 50 years of experience in the debt collection industry, has its own legal department and call center, and is a member of an international network counting 160 debt collection companies with representations in 140 countries. Furthermore, dieInkasso AG is a member of the Swiss and European debt collection associations.

We are convinced that our profound expertise combined with cutting-edge technologies and excellent industry integration enables us to provide the highest quality standard of debt collection services. This is what we stand for with our name.

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Inkasso vom Profi.

dieInkasso AG gehört zu den marktführenden und renommiertesten Inkassounternehmen der Schweiz. Jährlich bearbeiten 40 qualifizierte Spezialisten über 60’000 Inkassofälle im In- und Ausland mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg.